ATG Tickets
Delighting customers before the show
ATG Tickets wanted to enhance their post-purchase experience for customers. Their existing solution was limited, permitting customers to perform only basic tasks such as registering for an account, updating basic details, and receiving tickets solely via email.
My task was to lead the UX and UI design for a brand new customer dashboard. This new dashboard was intended to enable customers to perform a variety of tasks, including browsing upcoming and past bookings, viewing detailed booking information, accessing and presenting eTickets at venues, as well as managing their profile, account settings, and memberships.
I collaborated with key stakeholders, product managers, and the engineering team to develop multiple user journeys, clickable prototypes, and UI designs for both mobile and desktop environments.
The end result was a brilliant, mobile-first experience that empowered ATG’s customers to complete a variety of new tasks and enhance their overall post-purchase experience with the ATG Tickets brand.
ATG Tickets
B2C eCommerce website
My role
Research & competitor analysis
User interviews
User journeys
UI design
Engineering liaison